If everything was planned
And destiny ruled
Then I was just a pawn
In a game called chess
If destiny ruled
And fate had a hand
Then the eyes that see
Are merely pebbles for show?
If fate had a hand
And life was preplanned
Then I am walking on quicksand
And light is seized
And darkness prevails.
If life were preplanned
And Karma the game
Then do I have a choice?
Or do choices not exist?
If Karma was the game
And the unknown lay ahead
Then what is
A shallow body worth?
And what are the souls?
If Destiny is playing
And fate is running
Is life meaningless?
Or is it's purpose a piece of parchment.
If life is a piece of parchment
And life has been written
Can the used ink
Not be washed off?
Can the spellings of destiny
Not be changed?